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3 Ways I Can Help

The Tutors' Mastermind

Imagine never feeling lonely as a tutor and business owner again.

Join me, Sumantha, and my community of like-minded business owners to upskill every aspect of your business.

Get instant access to over 20 expert mastermind sessions, added to twice a month, and a private forum to ask questions and bounce ideas around.

Bespoke One to One Sessions

Feel the relief of being able to bounce ideas around with someone who just gets it.

I'll be your personal business partner helping you with navigate specific challenges, ideas and projects.

A 12-week package that includes 6 x 1:1 sessions, WhatsApp access to me and 3 months free in The Tutors' Mastermind.

Training Jukebox

Pick and choose the exact training and resource you need.

This is perfect if you prefer grabbing what you need and working through it at your pace.

Everything offered is specifically tailored to education businesses - after all, generic business advice doesn't work for us!

My website needs to work harder for me ...

Your website should be working away in the background, bringing your customers.

If it's not, don't panic.  Chances are, you have all the right information but it needs to be re-ordered and perhaps packaged differently.

We'll spend 2 value-packed hour analysing how to give people an experience that turns browsers into buyers.

(Free) Podcast

Grab some headphones and learn in your own time!

I know that not everyone has the budget to invest in support.   Or sometimes, they'd rather 'try' before they buy.

That's why I created the Upgrade Your Education Business podcast.  Weekly episodes designed to inspire you to take action.

I need more clients through social media

Stop posting, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best!

Social media can be time consuming - it's disheartening when you don't see results.  

Let's change that by streamlining your platform strategy, analysing your current activity and forming strong content pillars.

One-to-One Mentoring

Everyone gets a free Discovery Call to make sure we're a good fit.

Do you need me to help you unravel the issues you're having?  Perhaps you need tailored advice?  

Some of the common things I help clients with:

- Planning the direction to take their businesses

- Boosting success with social media marketing

- Automating processes

- Turning an idea to income

It all starts with a chat.  Book a free discovery call so I can suggest the best pathway for your needs.

The Tutors' Mastermind

The ultimate training hub tailored for tutor businesses.

Have you every wished that you could share some of your thinking with people who just 'get it'?

If so, this will be right up your street!

When you become a member of The Tutors' Mastermind, you'll access fortnightly 'hive mind' meetings, monthly workshops and a library of training.

Success breeds success.  Let's work together to multiply it.

​Not sure what support would be best?  Let's jump on a call (free)

​Not sure what support would be best?  Let's jump on a call (free)